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Slang Dictionary Words List Meaning in Urdu

Slang meaning in Urdu is words which are spoken by public or becomes famous in public, also known as Awaami Alfaaz or aamiyana Boli. Slang words are usually in Roman Urdu, which means Slang words are written using English alphabets but these are not English dictionary words. You can check Slang words meaning in English using our Slang dictionary online.

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slang words meaning

Slang Words English Language Examples

Sr. Slang Word Meaning
2A/S/L/Rage, sex, location, race
3A1Tanyone there
4A3anyplace, anywhere, anytime
5AAAAAAmerican Assosciation Against Acronym Abuse
6AABFas a best friend
7AAFas a friend
8AAKAlive and Kicking
9AAMOFas a matter of fact
10AATFalways and totally forever
11AATWall around the world
12ABDAlready Been Done
13ABDCAmerica's Best Dance Crew (TV show)
14ABENDabsent by enforced net deprivation
15ABFAll But Face
16ABFABAbsolutely Fabulous
17ABGAsian Baby Girl
18ABHActual Bodily Harm
21ABPAlready Been Posted
26ABT2About To
27ABUAnyone but (Manchester) United
29ACAir Conditioning, Alternating Current
30AC/DCRock Band
31ACAPELLAVocal music without instruments
34ACEExcellent, great
36ACLUAmerican Civil Liberties Union
37ACMEA Company that Makes Everything
38ACPAutomatic Colt Pistol
39ACTSAT type test
40ACTAAnti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement
41ACUArmy Combat Uniform
42ADAnno Domini (in the year of our Lord)
43ADADAnother Day Another Dollar
44ADDAttention Deficit Disorder
46ADEDAll Day Every Day
47ADEROLDrug that helps you focus
48ADGTHAll Dogs Go To Heaven
49ADHDAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
50ADHOCFor the specific purpose, Improvised, impromptu
51ADLall day long
52ADMAy Dios Mio
54ADNany day now
55ADRAll Due Respect
56ADSAim(ing) Down Sights
57ADSLAsymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
58ADTRA Day To Remember (band)
59AEAmerican Eagle (clothing)
60AEAEAnd Ever And Ever
61AEAPas early as possible
62AFAIAAs Far As I'm Aware
63AFAIAAAs Far As I Am Aware
64AFAIACAs Far As I Am Concerned
65AFAICas far as I'm concerned
66AFAICRAs Far As I Can Remember
67AFAICSas far as I can see
68AFAICTas far as I can tell
69AFAIKas far as I know
70AFAIRas far as I recall
71AFAIUAs far as I understand
72AFAPAs Far As Possible
73AFCaway from computer
74AFCPMGOaway from computer parents may go on
76AFFAAngels Forever, Forever Angels
77AFGaway from game
78AFIA Fire Inside (Band)
79AFKaway from keyboard
80AFKBaway from keyboard
81AFLAustralian Football League
82AFNAll For Now
83AFPAway From Phone
84AFRLAway From Real Life
85AFROHairstyle from Africa
86AFSAlways, Forever and Seriously
88AGCAutomatic Gain Control
91AGHAin't Gonna Happen
92AGMAnnual General Meeting
94AGPAccelerated Graphics Port
95AGROHostile, angry, Aggravation, trouble
96AGTAmerica's Got Talent (TV show)
97AGWAll Going Well
98AHAExpression of discovery or realization
99AHEMThroat clearing sound
100AHOIdiot (Japanese)

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Slang Words

With the frequent use of internet, some typical words are grown. When they work on internet or browse on it, they use some words for their convenience and who is you and what profession you belong, helps the people to understand these slang words. They are popular but unauthorized words, phrase or mode of expression. You can also say that these slangs are Awami Alfaaz and Aamiyana Boli. The slang is also considered as popular internet language. People like to maintain their contact with other people and they want to communicate with others. Sometimes they do not have enough time to type long message or show their expression so they developed some abbreviations to show their expressions to others. This type of slang makes the typing easy and it is less time consuming. If you want to say ‘I Love You’ to someone, he may write ‘ILY’ and there are some other slangs like OMG (Oh My God), BRB (Be right back), and TGIF (Thanks God, It’s Friday).

Slangs are not only abbreviations but also certain words that made you ‘cool’ in the daily conversation with others. Swags means ‘Being Cool’ and it is used in the sentence ‘that girl got some swag’. There are some other slangs like ‘On Fleek, Burn, Basic, Mood and others. shows the slang dictionary to the people and it is added with slang words list with their relevant meanings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is the meaning of slang?

Slang is popular but unauthorized word, phrase or mode of expression. Slang means in Urdu, Awaami Alfaaz and Aamiyana Boli and simply you can say that slang is popular internet language, which you use to say something to other but you cannot use long sentence or phrase.

Q. When to use Slang Words?

Slang words can be used in the daily routine conversations and text messages. But these slang words cannot be used in the formal texts like applications or official documents etc.

Q. What are the most common slangs?

The most common slangs are:

  • OMG (Oh My God)
  • DIY (Do it yourself)
  • TGIF (Thanks God It’s Friday)
  • BRB (Be right back)
  • BFF (Best Friends Forever)
  • BTW (By the Way) and many more.

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