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Haqeer Meaning In English

Haqeer meaning in English is Mean. It is written in Urdu fonts as جاننا and in Roman Urdu as Janna. Correct translation of Haqeer in English is Mean. There are many synonyms of Mean which include Greedy, Mercenary, Mingy, Miserly, Niggard, Parsimonious, Penurious, Rapacious, Scrimpy, Selfish, Stingy, Tight, Close etc. Haqeer ka matlab kya hai ya kya hota hai urdu mein:




Pronunciation: {meen}

Haqeer Meaning in Urdu

Roman Urdu Urdu
Zaleel ذلیل
Matlab Hona مطلب ہونا
Mad E Nazar Rakhna مد نظر رکھنا
Janna جاننا
Haqeer حقیر
Dil Mein Rakhna دل میں رکھنا
Haqeer Related Words Meaning in English
English Roman Urdu Urdu
Verminous Zaleel ذلیل
Vile Paaji پاجی
Abominable Haqeer حقیر
Abominate Haqeer حقیر
Stramineous Adna ادنی
Pitiable Haqeer حقیر
Pipsqueak Haqeer حقیر
Picayune Nakara ناکارہ
Paltry Nakara ناکارہ
Mean Janna جاننا

Definitions of Mean

transitive v. To signify; to indicate; to import; to denote.

transitive v. To have in the mind, as a purpose, intention, etc.; to intend; to purpose; to design

intransitive v. To have a purpose or intention.

n. A mediator; a go-between.

n. Meantime; meanwhile.

n. A part, whether alto or tenor, intermediate between the soprano and base; a middle part.

n. Resources; property, revenue, or the like, considered as the condition of easy livelihood, or an instrumentality at command for effecting any purpose; disposable force or substance.

n. That through which, or by the help of which, an end is attained; something tending to an object desired; intermediate agency or measure; necessary condition or coagent; instrument.

n. A quantity having an intermediate value between several others, from which it is derived, and of which it expresses the resultant value; usually, unless otherwise specified, it is the simple average, formed by adding the quantities together and dividing by their number, which is called an arithmetical mean. A geometrical mean is the nth root of the product of the n quantities being averaged.

n. That which is mean, or intermediate, between two extremes of place, time, or number; the middle point or place; middle rate or degree; mediocrity; medium; absence of extremes or excess; moderation; measure.

adj. Average; having an intermediate value between two extremes, or between the several successive values of a variable quantity during one cycle of variation

adj. Intermediate in excellence of any kind.

adj. Occupying a middle position; middle; being about midway between extremes.

adj. Penurious; stingy; close-fisted; illiberal.

adj. Of poor quality.

adj. Of little value or account; worthy of little or no regard; contemptible; despicable.

adj. Wanting dignity of mind; low-minded; base; destitute of honor; spiritless.

adj. Destitute of distinction or eminence; common; low; vulgar; humble.

Origin of Mean Old English mænan, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch meenen and German meinen, from an Indo-European root shared by mind.

Forms Meant, Meaning.

How To Spell Mean {meen}

Word Type Verb (used With Object)

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