بھاؤ Translation in English
Bhao بھاؤ Meaning in English – To know what is meaning of Bhao in English, it is important to understand the word properly before translating بھاؤ from Urdu to English. There can be several meanings of a word in English, the correct meaning of Bhao in English is Rate, and in Urdu we write it as بھاؤ. The other meanings includes Rate, Floatation, Rated, Rates, Floatations, . For pronunciation of Bhao, list word audio voice or see our online dictionary.
بھاؤ Ka Matlab
Roman Urdu | Accurate Urdu | Urdu |
Shumaar Karna | شمار کرنا | شمار کرنا |
Sharah | شرح | شرح |
Ratib | راتب | راتب |
Qisam | قسم | قسم |
Qeemat | قیمت | قیمت |
Qadar Karna | قدر کرنا | قدر کرنا |
Narkh | نرخ | نرخ |
Meyaar | معیار | معیار |
Mehsool | محصول | محصول |
Khayaal Karna | خیال کرنا | خیال کرنا |
Jhidakna | جھڑکنا | جھڑکنا |
Dhamkana | دھمکانا | دھمکانا |
Darja | درجہ | درجہ |
Bhao | بھاؤ | بھاؤ |
Andaza Lagana | اندازہ لگانا | اندازہ لگانا |
Andaza | اندازہ | اندازہ |
Definitions of Rate
transitive v. To ratify.
transitive v. To settle the relative scale, rank, position, amount, value, or quality of
transitive v. To assess for the payment of a rate or tax.
transitive v. To set a certain estimate on; to value at a certain price or degree.
intransitive v. To make an estimate.
intransitive v. To be set or considered in a class; to have rank.
v. To chide with vehemence; to scold; to censure violently; to berate.
n. The class of a merchant vessel for marine insurance, determined by its relative safety as a risk, as A1, A2, etc.
n. The order or class to which a war vessel belongs, determined according to its size, armament, etc.
n. The gain or loss of a timepiece in a unit of time
n. Ratification; approval.
n. Order; arrangement.
n. A tax or sum assessed by authority on property for public use, according to its income or value; esp., in England, a local tax
n. Valuation; price fixed with relation to a standard; cost; charge.
n. That which is established as a measure or criterion; degree; standard; rank; proportion; ratio
n. Established portion or measure; fixed allowance.
Origin of Rate Late Middle English (expressing a notion of ‘estimated value’): from Old French, from medieval Latin rata (from Latin pro rata parte (or portione) ‘according to the proportional share’), from ratus ‘reckoned’, past participle of reri.
How To Spell Rate {reyt}
Word Type Noun
Rate Synonyms, Words Similar to Rate
Comparison, Degree, Estimate, Percentage, Progression, Quota, Relation, Relationship, Relative, Scale, Standard, Weight, AmountOpposite to Rate, Antonyms For Rate
WholeMeaning of بھاؤ
Rate in English dictionary has several similar words including Comparison, Degree, Estimate, Percentage, Progression, Quota, Relation, Relationship, Relative, Scale, Standard, Weight, Amount, etc. As per English dictionary, other than Rate similar words , we have Rate opposite words which includes Whole, etc. Rate is spelled as [reyt]. After English to Urdu translation of Rate, if you have problem to pronounce it, spoke it as [reyt] or hear the audio of it in the online dictionary.
Find Urdu Word بھاؤ Similar Words & Related words in Dictionary
Urdu Word بھاؤ related words can be searched here online. Search بھاؤ related words like Comparison, Degree, Estimate, Percentage, Progression, Quota, Relation, Relationship, Relative, Scale, Standard, Weight, Amount, . Translate بھاؤ Urdu to English and find English meanings of بھاؤ word online.
Rated بھاؤ
Rates بھاؤ
Floatation بھاؤ
Floatations لبھاؤ
Inveiglement سبھاؤ
Complexion سبھاؤ
Complexions بھاؤ کا
Pantomimic بھاؤ بتانا
Gesticulation بھاؤ بتانا
Gesticulations بات سیدھے سبھاؤ
Speak Smoothly نبھاؤ رکھنا، وقت یا گنجائش نکالنا۔
Fit In ڈِکخون کا جلد کی ظاہری سطح پر فروغ، کماؤ یا ٹھراؤخون کے بھاؤ کا جسم کی ظاہری سطح پر چھاٹے بڑے دھبّوں کی صورت میں موجودگی غیر نامیاتی کاربن تحل
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